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Lawn Strip

Better For Everyone.

Zero Emission Garden Maintenance is here.

GreenClub. is powered by certified CarboNZero energy - creating a better choice for Garden Maintenance. 


Whether it's mowing a lawn, trimming a hedge, removing green waste or curating a beautiful back yard GreenClub. has you sorted.​



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Garden Maintenance 

Garden Product

Green Waste

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Quiet and Reliable Garden Maintenance.

If you're looking to keep your turf well managed, or you need to wrangle your jungle back under control - GreenClub. is the leading choice in Hawke's Bay.​


We take pride in the job from start to finish, with very little noise and no nasty pollution.


We believe It's time that's an industry standard.

Seasonal Garden Plants Trimming by Professional Caucasian Gardener. Large Pro Scissors in

Book A Quote Today.

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Fill in your details below and GreenClub. will be in touch as soon as possible!

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